Sunday, March 24, 2019

Serene Charlotte and Wild Wairarapa

Political cartoon by Australian Pat Campbell with fronds of the silver ferns representing the 50 slain worshippers.
My blogging began in 2010 on coming to New Zealand for the first time, a way of sharing and staying close to people near and far. I did not expect then that I would spend a majority of my time here since then. Unfortunately, I need to open this post briefly commenting on the recent monstrous mass murders in Christchurch. That city has suffered earthquakes, floods, and fires since 2010 but this has been the worst for the city and the country. Trying to contemplate this is like staring at the sun. I can only do it in brief glimpses. Looking at photos of the victims, especially the young, and reading about their lives is heart-wrenching and sears the brain.
Many here and abroad thought this would never happen here, and although I didn't expect it, I had no reason to believe New Zealand was immune. But I also expected that, like after the Port Arthur massacre in Australia in 1996, New Zealand would react swiftly and decisively to take steps to protect the innocent from such carnage in the future. Thankfully that seems to be happening.
Timaru Hospital is the closest major facility to Christchurch, two hours south. Some people killed had worked here. My colleagues at the hospital in Christchurch did an Herculean job responding to the tragedy, but the psychic trauma has been so major that they are still not accepting any transfers or doing business as usual. There are so many victims in so many ways. Let us remember and honor all of them.